Convert audio into searchable and editable transcripts. Gather information, create ideas, and do more.

Frequently Asked Questions
How accurate is daglo?
daglo’s results are 98% accurate when transcribing a clean, high-quality voice recording. However, this figure can be affected by the recording environment. We recommend using a microphone when recording, and to be aware of the following points for higher performance.
1) Position the microphone close to the speaker.
2) Minimize background noise.
3) Accuracy can be further affected by the number of participants and the speakers’ accent.
How long does it take to transcribe an audio file?
It takes dalgo roughly 3 minutes to transcribe a 60 minute-long audio file. We send you an alert once the transcription is completed via your registered email address or on your daglo app.
I deleted my board by mistake. Can I restore it?
Once deleted, your board or folder is moved to the Bin, and stored for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Once your item is deleted from the Bin (whether it has expired or deleted by the user), all related data including audio, transcripts and notes will be removed from the daglo server immediately and can not be restored. Please understand this is for privacy and security reasons.
The progress bar has stopped.
Transcription may take time depending on the size of the audio/video file you uploaded or the queue at time of request. We ask you to be patient. We send you an alert once the transcription is completed via your registered email address or on your daglo app. If you have waited several hours and still see no progress, please contact customer support.
I uploaded a Youtube link. The board status is showing ‘Extracting audio’.
Retrieving information from YouTube videos can take time depending on the length of the video or the que at time of request. If you see ‘Extracting audio’ in the status column, we are still retrieving audio. We ask you to be patient. We send you an alert once the transcription is completed via your registered email address or on your daglo app.
An error occurred while uploading a file.
An error may occur if you upload a file in a format not supported by daglo. Please refer to the list below to see which formats we support:
• Audio : .3gp, .3gpp, .ac3, .aiff, .amr, .au, .flac, .m4a, .mp3, .mxf, .oga, .ogg, .opus,
.ra, .wav, .weba
• Video : .asx, .avi, .ogm, .ogv, .m4v, .mov, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .wmv

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